Special Education and Inclusive Education in Chile: in point of stagnation?


  • Liliana Ramos Abadie Universidad Diego Portales


Special education, Inclusive education, Chilean education system, Special education policies


Special education (SE) in Chile has had a dynamic evolution, as is the case in many countries. Initially a separate system from common education, it has become a part of it, and its actions affect the different grade levels (MINEDUC, 2009). In the period between 1990 and 2004, it adopted an inclusion perspective that, in my opinion, ceased to develop in 2005. In this work, an interpretation is offered for this turning point, through the analysis of the characteristics of the Chilean educational system, a description of the milestones that have shaped SE in the country -especially in the past 24 years-; an interpretation of these milestones, and a discussion of the upcoming challenges that the country will have to face in this area. The discussion follows the ideas about inclusion in SE proposed by Lani Florian.

Author Biography

Liliana Ramos Abadie, Universidad Diego Portales

Profesora de Educación Diferencial y Magíster en Antropología y Desarrollo. Actualmente dirige la carrera de Pedagogía en Educación Diferencial con mención en Desarrollo Cognitivo de la Universidad Diego Portales. Posee una amplia experiencia profesional en el ámbito de la integración escolar de estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales, y en la formación de profesores en temáticas de diversidad, políticas educativas y educación especial.



How to Cite

Ramos Abadie, L. (2013). Special Education and Inclusive Education in Chile: in point of stagnation?. Latin American Journal of Inclusive Education, 7(2), 37–46. Retrieved from https://revistas.ucentral.cl/revistainclusiva/article/view/7_2_004