Educational community, ecology of knowledge and work: Researching practices of responsibility in a telesecondary linked with the community


  • Graciela Messina


Telesecondary school, Rural sector, Innovation, Production workshops, Researh workshops


The article presents a synthetic version of the results of a Mexican telesecondary school's systematization. The school is located in an isolated rural area (sierra of Puebla). The first part describes the school, its sociocultural environment along as the innovator group in which it has been enrolled, the telesecondary schools related to the community. The second part is focused on the analysis of two practices the school is responsible for: Production and Research Workshops. The systematization revealed that there were changes in the subjects as well as a differentiated institutionality from a tradicional school.

Author Biography

Graciela Messina

Maestra Normal Nacional. Licenciada en Sociología, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Estudiante Doctorado en el DIE/ CINVESTAV, México, doctorado en ciencias con especialidad en investigación educativa, en proceso de titulación. Diplomado en Crítica cultural, Universidad ARCIS, Santiago, Chile. Investigación-sistematización- evaluación, en campos tales como educación de adultos, educación y trabajo, formación, educación y género, educación ciudadana; interculturalidad, jóvenes, violencia escolar, secundaria técnica. Formación de educadores y formadores de la educación de adultos y de la educación superior (universidades y escuelas normales superiores), docencia universitaria de grado y postgrado.



How to Cite

Messina, G. (2012). Educational community, ecology of knowledge and work: Researching practices of responsibility in a telesecondary linked with the community. Latin American Journal of Inclusive Education, 6(2), 137–165. Retrieved from