Deaf People Reading in Bilingual Contexts in Spanish Speaking Countries



Deaf, Reading, Bilingualism, Syntax, Education


This paper investigates different theories about the reading processes in deaf people, their problems, their advances and educational practices. For that, we have analyzed theoretical and empirical research papers in Spanish. After our analysis, we arrived at the conclusion that nowadays bilingualism is the main school of thought, even when there are different ideas about reading inside it: one of those ideas is about the acquisition of Spanish as a foreign language not only in the writing skills, without any participation of the oral language and other that, in opposition, consider that oral Spanish make it easier to learn how to read and write in that language. After this study, we think that vocabulary acquisition, phonological consciousness (in its visual variant), and syntaxes are important to develop reading skills in deaf people, that should be trained more systematically by the bilingual perspective. We also propose that logogenia is possibility of an alternative and accessory method for the syntax skills training involved in every reading and writing process. We also think that it is very important for deaf people to learn how to read and write in Spanish language, so they would have a better and fuller acquisition of scholar knowledge.   

Author Biography

María Virginia Hael, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento

Licenciada en Letras y Doctora en Humanidades (área Letras) por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Diplomada en Logogenia por el Colegio de Logogenistas de México. Becaria posdoctoral de temas estratégicos del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas (CONICET) con el tema “Comprensión y producción sintáctica de sordos a través del método logogenia”. Ex becaria doctoral de CONICET. Ex becaria MAEC-AECID en Cooperación lingüística internacional con sede en la Academia Argentina de Letras. Docente de Análisis y Producción del Discurso Especializado Escrito en Español del Traductorado en Inglés en el IES en Lenguas Vivas Juan Ramón Fernández.

