Inclusion, Disability and Teachers: Some Reflections to Rethink Practices (Political-Educational)



Education policy, Student, Speech, Special education, Teaching profession


The specific purpose of this text is to identify what role does the inclusion of the student with a disability play in the constitution of an inclusive space from the perspective of the teachers? This question arises from the analysis of the results on the ethical conflicts that are presented to the teachers in the inclusive school process. In this sense, it is proposed to start from a qualitative methodology with descriptive scope and from an interpretative paradigm, supporting with some elements of the Grounded Theory. A questionnaire was used with 13 free answer items to 61 teachers of compulsory education. The type of analysis that was given to the results was from an emerging system and discourse. The results indicate that what is different, with its presence, analyzes and disrupts the order established in schools. It silences the knowledge and questions the wills of truth that have been established as unique and always static. This is how the inclusion of disability, when questioning the space, provoking the rethinking of actions, conflicting institutional governance practices, questioning educational agents and the community in general, is a condition of possibility to travel to that inclusive school that we want at the level of ideas.

Author Biography

Rodolfo Cruz, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla

Es Doctor en Investigación Educativa. Maestro en Educación. Especialista en Docencia por la UVM de Veracruz. Maestro en Necesidades Educativas Especiales. Especialista en Investigación Educativa. Actualmente realiza estudios de posdoctorado en la Unidad Interdisciplinaria de Ciencias de la Salud y Educación de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Es Profesor-investigador en la Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP) Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) nivel 1 del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de México (CONACYT). Sus líneas de investigación son las políticas educativas sobre inclusión educativa y discapacidad.

