Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Higher Education from a Social Responsibility Approach, within a Discourse Transitions Context related to the Integration/Inclusion Binomio



Social responsability, Higher education, Disabilities, Social values, Human rights


This article summarizes the main reflections based on a qualitative research aimed to unveil the sense of social responsibility found in the participating faculty discourse of the inclusive education project at Santo Tomas Institutions of Viña del Mar from the law Nª19.284 about social integration, to the current law Nª20.422 about educational inclusion, and will provide clues about their own beliefs and values. Therefore, from those discourses, the necessary social and pedagogic practices will be deconstructed, strengthened or transformed in order to achieve a truly inclusive higher education for people with disabilities. The results organized in three discourses: education, a key human right, contradictions of inclusion, and the pending debt from society in relation to inclusion, account for an integration discourse to the detriment of an inclusive discourse, leaving the social responsibility meaning reduced to goodwill individual pedagogic practices, being the pending challenge to construct a collective counter-hegemonic discourse, with a social responsibility sense sustained from the rights approach, by reciprocity, universality and diversity.

Author Biography

Verónica Rubio Aguilar, Universidad Santo Tomás

Asistente Social y Licenciada en Servicio Social, Universidad de Valparaíso, Magister en Educación y Doctora en Educación, Universidad de Playa Ancha de Ciencias de la Educación, Valparaíso, Chile. Directora Escuela de Trabajo Social, Universidad Santo Tomás, Viña del Mar e Investigadora asociada del Centro CIELO de Investigación en Familia, Trabajo y Ciudadanía, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Comunicaciones, Universidad Santo Tomás. Académica de pre y postgrado, investigadora principal de varios proyectos en Responsabilidad Social, Educación y Trabajo Social. Autora del libro “La universidad como constructora de ciudadanos socialmente responsables”, Ediciones UST, 2012 y de varios artículos científicos vinculados a Responsabilidad Social y Educación.

