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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The manuscript does not bear the names of the authors in the text or in the information in the Word file. To anonymize the article, review the Publication Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


The sending of originals is done through the email The process includes the sending of the manuscript, of a archive with the data of the authors, of the declaration of responsibility for authorship and conflict of interest, and the declaration of transfer of authorship rights (link to letter below).
The magazine publishes of preferably articles in Spanish. However, original and English may be presented. All must be strictly governed by APA 7th ED standards.
An extension not exceeding 25 pages, between 6,000 and 8,000 words, is recommended.
The names of the authors/is should not appear in the manuscript body or in the properties of the Word archive, which will eventually be sent to blind review. To delete personal information from the files of the file:
In Windows: Go to "Archive". Select "Information". Click "Check if there are problems." Click "Inspect Document" and select the boxes to choose the type of hidden content you want to inspect. Click "Remove everything." Click "Close". Save the document.
In macOS: Go to "Tools". Click "Protect Document". Select "Delete personal information from the SAVE". Click OK and save the file.
A separate file must be sent with the title of the article and the data of the authors: full name, address, reference institution, position they perform, telephone, email, Orcid Id (public and updated) and a brief curriculum Vitae from six to ten lines of each that will be published jointly with the article. When the case, indicate the scholarships, aid or financial support with which it has been counted (research projects) for the work subsidy.


Article title, the most illustrative and concise as possible, containing an extension of between 8 and 12 words.
Summary of the article (in Spanish/Portuguese and English), will have an extension of 200 words. The summary will follow the IMRYD structure (introduction, methods, results and discussion). In the case of literature reviews (especially meta-analysis), work will be summarized without dividing it into these four sections.
Keywords (in Spanish/Portuguese and English), will be specified with 5 keywords.
Article text: In case of empirical articles, they must adjust as much as possible to the following sections: introduction, review of literature, method, results, discussion, conclusions and references:
- Introduction: It is the general presentation of the article, there will be justified the importance of the research problem addressed.
- Literature review: You must collect a review of the literature on the aspect studied, using strictly necessary bibliographic citations. It will not include data or conclusions of the work presented. It presents the objective of the investigation.
- Method: It will be presented with the precision that is convenient for the reader to understand and confirm the development of the research. In case of quantitative methodology, the method section will be organized in the following sub -sections: Methodological approach, variables, sample and sampling, information obtaining instruments, field work and data analysis. In case of qualitative methodology, the contents will be: Methodological approach, analysis categories, participants, instruments for obtaining information, field work and data analysis.
- Results: They will appear in a logical sequence in the text, tables or figures, the same data should not be repeated in all of them. Important observations will be highlighted. They will be described, without interpreting or making value judgments, the observations made with the material and methods used.
- Discussion and conclusions: They will summarize the findings, relating their own observations with other studies of interest and pointing out the contributions, limitations of each other. The data or other material already mentioned in other sections should not be repeated in detail. Mention the inferences of the findings and their limitations, including deductions for future investigation. Link the conclusions with the objectives of the study, avoiding free statements and conclusions not fully supported by work data.
- References: References that have Doi (Digital Object Identifier System) must appear with their corresponding link. The current APA regulations must be followed (APA 7th ED). It is suggested that 50% be from the last 5 years. Below are some examples of references:

Periodic publications

Magazine article, an author

Murillo, F. J. (2016). Measuring school segregation in Latin America. A methodological analysis using the TERCE. Reice. Ibero-American Magazine on quality, efficacy and change in education, 14 (4), 33-60.

Magazine article, two authors or more authors

Murillo, F. J., Duk, C. and Martínez-Garrido, C. (2018). Evolution of socio -economic segregation of Latin America schools. Pedagogical studies, 44 (1), 157-179. 


Complete book references

Ainscow, M. (2014). Development of inclusive schools: ideas, proposals and experiences to improve school institutions. Narcea.

Book chapters

Bolivar, A. and Murillo, F. J. (2017). The school matters. The differential effects of school and leadership in equity. In J. Weinstein and G. Muñoz (eds.), Improvement and leadership at school. Eleven looks (pp. 71-112). Cedles

Bibliographic citations must be extracted from the original documents and rigorously follow the standards of the APA 7 ed.

Presentation of tables, pictures, images, figures and graphics. All figures, tables, pictures and graphics must follow the APA 7 ED standards. presentation. Be inserted within the body of the article, numbered correlatively according to their order of appearance, in Excel or Word format. All kinds of graphs, diagrams, photographs, or drawings will be considered figures. Images of tables, pictures and graphics will not be accepted. Each of these resources must have a title that clearly explains its content. The authors will be responsible for having permits to reproduce this material and cite their origin. It is recommended that both the figures, tables, pictures and graphs be used when strictly necessary and their function is relevant to expose the data or illustrate the information of the work that is being presented.

Abbreviations. Only universally accepting standard abbreviations must be used. When it is intended to shorten a term frequently used in the text, the corresponding abbreviation, in parentheses, must be accompanied the first time it appears.

Inclusive language. The use of non -sexist or discriminatory language is requested. For more information you can consult Guidelines for gender-inclusive language in English of the United Nations.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.