About the Journal


  • The Latin American Journal of Inclusive Education (RLEI) is an open access journal edited by the Center for Development and Innovation in Inclusive Education of the Central University of Chile in collaboration with the Ibero-American Research Network on School Change and Effectiveness, RINACE. All content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution.
  • Since 2007, RLEI has published articles referring to studies, research projects, proposals, experiences and reflections related to inclusive education. Currently, 2 issues a year are published in digital format in the months of July and December.
  • Only unpublished works are accepted and works in the process of publication in other journals are not accepted.
  • The articles submitted must comply with the publication standards and, in the case of monographic issues, the delivery dates.
  • All articles are submitted to a first review by the editorial committee. If accepted, they are sent for double blind peer evaluation. This considers: the relevance of the topic; the quality and solidity of the theoretical framework; the relevance of the approach and methodological rigor of the work; the contribution to innovation and advances in perspectives in terms of inclusive education; the implications of the findings obtained for policy, culture, and educational practice; the clarity of the writing and the appropriateness of the structure of the article; and the relevance and timeliness of the bibliographic sources, in accordance with the evaluation criteria. Special attention must be paid to the use of inclusive and non-discriminatory language. It is recommended to consult the following document on Suggestions for writing a good scientific article in Education.


All articles sent to the journal for possible publication undergo a double blind peer evaluation process including the following:

  • Selection of external reviewers will be based on norms and principles based on both their qualifications and the quality of their scientific production.
  • Articles are valued by experts in the subject or discipline that the work addresses according to previously established evaluation criteria.
  • The review process is completely anonymous for both authors and reviewers. Articles and their reviews are treated confidentially.
  • Reviewers consider, among their evaluation criteria, respect for essential ethical principles in scientific research.
  • Judgments expressed in reviews should be objective.
  • Both authors and reviewers should disclose relationships and funding sources that may generate potential conflicts of interest.
  • The result of the opinion will be communicated in writing to the principal author of the article, indicating acceptance with or without corrections, or its inadmissibility.
  • In the appropriate cases, observations and suggestions for improvement will be sent, specifying delivery deadlines of the corrections requested, for their final review.
  • The editorial board has the responsibility and authority to accept or reject an article based on the results of external reviews. Only articles with full evidence of compliance with editorial standards will be accepted.
  • The journal editor is authorized to publish in online version, in collaboration with Red Iberoamericana de Investigación sobre Cambio y Eficacia Escolar RINACE, the accepted article, which will be communicated to the author pointing location information: publication volume and issue, open subject matter or monographic section of the journal.
  • In case his/their article is published, the author/authors will sign a declaration of copyrights transfer addressed to the Director/editor of the journal.


The code of ethics for the journal's authors, reviewers and editors follows the basic practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Along these lines, all works must be free of plagiarism or scientific fraud, as expressed in a non-exhaustive manner below:

Plagiarism: literal unquoted copy without citing the source; substantial copy (research materials, processes, tables ...); paraphrasing or reproducing ideas without citing the source and/or changing the original meaning; reusing and sending already published own texts without indicating the source and abusive paraphrasing even citing the source.

Scientific fraud: non-acknowledgment of all researchers participating in the work preparation, simultaneous sending to several publishers, division of the work in different parts that share the same hypothesis, population and methods, as well as the use of false or unproven data. Finally, when submitting work, authors should declare to the journal the potential conflicts of interest.

Treatment of conflict of interest and plagiarism will be adjusted according to the declarations in the Code of Institutional Ethics of Universidad Central de Chile, as well as in international ethical standards.

Authors shall have to sign a declaration of authorship responsibility and, when appropriate, indicate whether they have any relationship, personal or otherwise, with an economic or financial group, which directly or indirectly affects the contents of the article sent.

Peer external reviewers should disclose any conflicts of interest or alleged scientific fraud at the time of evaluation of an article.

For their part, regarding the articles it rejects or accepts, the editorial board will reveal relationships or funding sources that might be potentially considered conflicts of interest, if any, as well as alleged scientific frauds it might detect.        


RLEI provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offer the public free access to research support to a greater global exchange of knowledge. The submissions, editing or publication process of the manuscript involves no cost to the authors.


All signatories must send the Declaration of Authorship Responsibility and Conflict of Interest and Declaration of Assignment of Authorship Rights letters.

The works published in this magazine are subject to the following terms:

1. The Latin American Journal of Inclusive Education preserves the economic rights (copyright) of the published works, and encourages and allows their reuse under the use license indicated in point 2.
2. The works are published under the Creative Commons Attribution (by) license. This license allows the exploitation of the work, as well as the creation of derivative works, the distribution of which is also permitted, on the condition that express reference is made to the author, that is, that his/her name appears in any use or act of exploitation made of the work.